This is the go-to Page for the ECU 2023 Reunion

This is the go-to page for the 
ECU 2023 Reunion

Click here for the Program of Events

To connect to the zoom session, please click the link below:

[Meeting ID - 3330597104, passcode - ecureunion]

To connect via Facebook, please click the link below:

To connect via YouTube, please click the link below:

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get alerts when we go live - @ecualumniexco

Streaming Schedule (Nigeria Time):

20th October, 2023

Visit to the VC - 10am-11am (Facebook only)

Visit to Abagboro - 12noon-1pm (Facebook only)

Session 1- 3pm-8pm

21st October, 2023

Session 1 - 8:30am - 10:50am

Generational group breakout (zoom only) - 11:00am - 12:00noon

Please rename yourself in the format above for zoom so you can be placed in the correct breakout room

Session 2 - 12:00noon - 4:00pm

Dinner/Award night - 5:30pm - 8:00pm

22nd October, 2023

8:00am - 11:30am

For further assistance:

1. Call/Send a WhatsApp chat to +2348028626226 or

2. Send a mail to

To give, please click here for payment instructions (UK and USA only)

To give, please click here (Others outside UK and USA)


Give globally